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will be found on another page (see p. [[blank]]).

The standing rule that the entry of freshly acquired specimens must take precedence over other works, was strictly observed, and the records are now fully up to date.

[[strikethrough]] The principal [[/strikethrough]]

Considerable work was done in connection with the osteological series, a [[strikethrough]] report upon [[/strikethrough]] statement of which will be found in the report on the Department of Comparative Anatomy.

No additions to the office-force have been made.  The curator and one assistant (Mr. W.G. Stimpson) have carried on the entire work of the Department, at the same time registering and caring for the collections in comparative anatomy and to a certain extent [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] those of [[strikethrough]]co[[/strikethrough]] vertebrate paleontology as well.