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[[embossed oval with buildings and unreadable text]]

III.b. [[underlined]] Publications, Jan. 1 to June 1, 1885 [[/underlined]].

[[underlined]] Frederick W. True [[/underlined]]

Military Cetology.

< Science, V, Jan. 2, p. 2-3

Note on some remarkable statements about cetaceans in a[[strikethrough]]n article[[/strikethrough]] treatise on brush-making, contained in a report of the Secretary of War.

On the occurrence of Loncheres armatus (Geoff.) Wagner, in the island of Martinique, West Indies.

< Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., VII, Feb. 16, pp. 550-551.

Note on a specimen obtained in Martinique by Mr. Frederic Ober.

On a new species of Porpoise, [[underlined]] Phocoena Dalli [[/underlined]] from Alaska.

< Proc. US. Nat. Mus. viii, May 20, pp. 95-98 figs. II-V.

Species [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] in some respects intermediate between Lagenorhynchus and Phocoena, described from a skull and drawings