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[[embossed image of a flying bird]]

[[underlined]] Operations of the Department of Mammals for the six months ending June 30, 1885. [[/underlined]]

By the beginning of the year 1885 the work of the Department incident upon the preparation of a collection to be exhibited at New Orleans was entirely completed, and the regular routine was resumed.  [[strikethrough]] An attempt was made to render the museum exhibit hall attractive by a partial re-arrangement of the specimens. [[/strikethrough]] The exhibition hall of the Museum [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] had been rendered less attractive than formerly by the removal of numerous large specimens to New Orleans, and a [[strikethrough]] partial [[/strikethrough]] temporary re-arrangement of the collection was attempted in order to make the deficiencies less conspicuous.  During the first quarter of the year thirty-three mounted specimens were added to the exhibition-series, including several large forms, such as a Siberian sheep, a baboon, &c.  A list of all the mounted [[strikethrough]] specimens [[/strikethrough]] mammals was made in February, and soon afterwards temporary labels were [[strikethrough]] attached [[/strikethrough]] written and distributed [[strikethrough]] upon [[/strikethrough]] among the specimens.  Manuscript for printed labels for the entire series was also prepared. [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]]