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[[embossed image of a flying bird]]

of the museum, by which three valuable species of quadrumana were acquired, including a specimen of the interesting Gibbon, [[underlined]] Hylobates concolor [[/underlined]].  The New Orleans exhibit was not [[strikethrough]] returned [[strikethrough]] received at the Museum until after the 1st of July.  For a detailed account of this collection see Rpt. 1884, p.

At the beginning of the year [[strikethrough]] the the [[strikethrough]] an office and a commodious laboratory [[strikethrough]] were [[strikethrough]] in the south west pavilion of the Museum building were assigned to the department; the collections are thereby made more accessible than formerly ^[[500]].  The work of the division have been carried on by the curator and two assistants, Mr. W.G. Stimpson in the section of Mammals and Mr. F.A. Lucas in the section of Comp. Anat ^[[536]].