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[[embossed oval image of building and unreadable words]]

3. Mr. Stimpson has [[strikethrough]] kept [[/strikethrough]] continued work on the card-catalogue of the osteological collection.

4  I have corresponded with Mr. Chas. K. Worthen, Warsaw, Ill., relative to exchanges of North American mammals.

6  On the 11th inst. one of the [[bipes?]] of Spermophilus tereticaudus, was sent to Prof. J. A. Allen, New York, for comparison with other specimens.  It was returned Sept 15.

5.  A letter to Dr. A. Weber, Berlin, was prepared for the Director's signature, specifying what specimens were desired in exchange for 5 wet or dry skulls previously sent.

10 [[strikethrough]] 9 7 [[/strikethrough]]  On the 25th inst. I sent the Editor of the [[underlined]] Proceedings [[/underlined]] the following papers:
1. Description of a new species of Mesoplodon, M. Stejnegeri. 5 pp., 2 figg. Permission was obtained from the US Fish Commissioner to use the two figures [[? ? ?]] Commissioner for illustrating this paper.
2. A note upon the Hyperoodon semi-junctus of Cope. 4 pp.

7 [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] The following skins added. See above list

8 [[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] The following skeletons were added to the exhibition series: a gar pike, a screech owl, a condor, a Rhea, a cassowary and Jack snipe. Also the following skulls:

Transcription Notes:
Mesoplodon Stejnegeri entry: Found the _Proceedings_ at, with figures attributed to "the U.S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries" so was able to suss out some of the scrawl.