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[[embossed oval image of building and unreadable words]]

[[underlined]] September [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:

1.  The principal additions to the collections were as follows:  The skins of Five young Greenland seals, [[underlined]] P. groenlandicus [[/underlined]], from Dr. C. H. Merriam; a miscellaneous collection of 23 skins from Prof. Alex. Agassiz; a Equine antelope in the flesh, [[underlined]] Hippotragus equinus [[/underlined]], donor as yet unknown; the ear of a rabbit with three remarkable horny excrescences from G. Hillje, Texas; Skeletons of coach dog, Scotch terrier, and Italian greyhound, from the Washington pound.

2.  A new [[strikethrough]] case has been [[strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] The entire alcoholic col [[strikethrough]] storage case for the reception of skins has been erected in the [[strikethrough]] M [[strikethrough]] laboratory.  In order to set it up it was necessary to move the entire alcoholic collection, and re-arrange the cases and boxes already on hand.  It is preferred to [[strikethrough]] put al [[strikethrough]] take all the skins [[strikethrough]] f [[strikethrough]] out of the table-cases in the Exhibition hall and place them in this case.

Transcription Notes:
For explanation of "coach dog", see