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[[embossed oval image of building and unreadable words]]

Hippopotamus, and Killer Whale.

9 [[strikethrough]]10[[strikethrough]]  A plan was made (and sent to the Asst Director) for building a base with one raised step on top of the wall-case, west side of South Hall, for the cetacean casts.

11 [[strikethrough]]14.[[strikethrough]]  My time has been principally occupied in [[strikethrough]]answering[[strikethrough]] answering the letters which had accumulated during my absence, in August, [[strikethrough]]and[[strikethrough]] in identifying material both old and new, writing temporary labels and getting matters into shape preparatory to taking up the suject of exchanges.  I have also [[strikethrough]]wh[[strikethrough]] written up my reports for the last quarter, which had been neglected through press of work.  These will be submitted in a few days.

12  I was absent [[strikethrough]]during[[strikethrough]] from the 1st to the 8th inst. incl. During a part of this time I was engaged in collecting specimens for the department of Physical Geology.  Mr. W. G. Stimpson was absent from the 14th to the 19th inst. incl.

Transcription Notes:
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