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[[embossed oval with building and unreadable words]]

[[strikethrough]] follows: [[/strikethrough]]

[[underlined]] June [[/underlined]]

The most important accessions received this month were as follows: a Black-footed ferret [[underlined]] Putorius nigripes [[/underlined]] from Mr. G.H. Ragsdale, Gainsville (the second authentic specimen from that state) and a skin of [[underlined]] Perognathus fasciatus [[/underlined]] with skull; a spotted dolphin, ? [[underlined]] Prodelphinus doris [[/underlined]] from Messrs. Warren & Stearns, Pensacola, Fla. (See mention of this [[strikethrough]] specimen [[/strikethrough]] species on p. _); [[strikethrough]] three [[/strikethrough]] two skins of Abert's squirrel and two of [[underlined]] Sciurus arizonensis [[/underlined]], from E.W. Nelson, New Mexico; three specimens of [[underlined]] Delphinus delphis [[/underlined]] from the U.S.F.C. Str. Albatross; a Capybara skeleton from Mr. F.A. Lucas.

Negotiations were opened by Mr. W.T. Hornaday at New Orleans for the exchange of casts of sperm whale (model) and bottle-nosed dolphin; for three monkeys, viz: