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Long Island, was secured for the collection.   Other interesting specimins are a common porpoise, [[underlined]] P. communis [[/underlined]], from E. Orleans station (M. M. Pierce, keeper), a Striped porpoise, [[underlined]] P. lineata [[/underlined]], from Ipswich Bay station (S. I. Martin, keeper), and a young Blackfish,[[underlined]] Globiocephalus melas, [[/underlined]] from Provincetown station, (Peaked Hill, Bar., I. G. Fisher, keeper).   The U. S. Fish Commission secured two specimens of the common dolphin, [[underlined]] D. delphis,[[/underlined]] one from Wood's Holl, Mass., and one from Cape Hatteras, N. C.


Changes in the exhibition-hall.

A statement of the size and character of the exhibit sent to New Orleans will be found in a previous report (Museum Report, 1884, p. [[blank]]).   Work upon this series was not finished before Jan.1, 1885, and specimens were withdrawn from rather than added to the permanent exhibition series.   To render the collection still attractive to the visiting public in spite of its deficiencies, a partial re-arrangement, was made early in the year.

Meanwhile the work of mounting new specimens was vigorously pushed forward by the Chief taxidermist and his assistants.   Before May thirty-three new specimens were added to the series, including Siberian sheep, a baboon, and several other large forms.

Finding that printed labels could not be gotten ready for a considerable time the Curator wrote labels for such portions of the collection as were unprovided with the former.   Copy for the printer was prepared at the same time.   On account of the withdrawals from and changes in the collection it was found necessary to prepare a new list of the whole for reference.