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obligations by their donations of valuable specimens of some of the larger species of exotic mammals. Prominent among their gifts [[crossed out]] of Messrs. Barnum. Bailey and Hutchinson [[/crossed out]] is the Indian elephant "Albert", which was killed at Keene, N.H. in July 1885 on account of its exhibiting signs of insanity. Albert was an elephant of large size; his height at the shoulder being       . The skin, [[crossed out]] which [[crossed out]] is in an excellent state of preservation, will probably be mounted during the coming year. [[Crossed out]] Other valuable specimen received from these Gentlemen were a leopard, a zebra, a llama, a blau-bok and a kangaroo. A very fine female tiger was also purchased from them for a small sum. All these species, with the exception of the kangaroo, are new to the collection. 

Mr. Lewis Sells of Cincinnati