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IV. [[double underlined]] Present condition of the collection [[/double underlined]].

1. [[underlined]] The Exhibition series. [[/underlined]] The number of mounted skins [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] exhibited on Jan. 1. 1885 and [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] at the present date is as follows:

On exhibition Jan. 1, 1885   646.
On exhibition June 30, 1886  735.

It is necessary to state regarding these figures that they do not indicate the real increase of the exhibition series [[strikethrough]], which is a very [[/strikethrough]]

The gradual substitution of new specimens for old and faded ones, the removal of others without replacement and the addition of [[strikethrough]] specimens new [[/strikethrough]] specimens entirely new, are operations which are carried on simultaneously, and it is therefore somewhat difficult to indicate the real increment.  The last figures given above simply show[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] that there were on exhibition at the close of the fiscal year (1885-86) 735 mounted skins of [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] mammals.  The number of new specimens