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early summer [[strikethrough]] it is [[/strikethrough]] the Washington monument is frequently entirely obscured and rendered invisible from the laboratory windows.  [[strikethrough]] It is [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] The dust not only fills the laboratories but covers everything in the exhibition-halls in spite of the efforts of the cleaners.  The amount of money which would be expended in watering the roads west and north of the building would not be very great.

The existence of a blacksmith's shop[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] and coal vaults immediately under the windows of the laboratory [[strikethrough]] is another [[/strikethrough]] also favors the accumulation of dust while work is going on in the shop.  Papers, books and specimens lying on the tables of the laboratory are frequently covered in an hour's time with a perceptable coating of black dust.  This is especially injurious to books.

The needs of the collection as regards exotic species have been pointed out in connection with the history of the department [[strikethrough]] (p. ) [[/strikethrough]] now presented.