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Mr. Howard Eaton, Dakota.  One rabbit skin ([[underline]]Lepus sp[[/underline]]).

Mr. H. B. Everett, Dime Museum, Washington, D.C.  One monkey ([[underline]]Cercocebus sp.[[/underline]]).

Mr. J. D. Farden, Southern Maryland.  One squirrel skin ([[underline]]Sciurus sp.[[/underline]])

Mr. Robert W. Fumas, Nebraska.  Two pair of antlers of the mule deer ([[underline]]Cariacus macrotis[[/underline]])

Mr. J. G. Gailbraith, Bainbridge, Pennsylvania.  One muskrat ([[underline]]Fiber zibethicus[[/underline]]).

Mr. W. W. Godding, Government Hospital for the Insane, Washington, D.C.  One skin of black bear ([[underline]]Ursus americanus[[/underline]]).

Lieut. A. W. Greeley, U. S. Signal Office, Washington, D.C.  Skull and tibia of Walrus ([[underline]]Odobaenus rosmarus[[/underline]]) and mandible and metacarpals of Polar bear 
([[underline]]Thalassarctos maritimas[[/underline]]) from Cape Sabine.

Transcription Notes:
Verified Latin names and locations using Google.