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Admiral J. E. Jouett, U. S. Navy.  One Agouti skin 
([[underline]]Dasyprocta isthmica[[/underline]]) from Central America.

Mr. H. T. Leepey, East Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.  Skeleton of Collie dog "Nesta".

Mr. H. E. Lewis, Pike Co. Pennsylvania.  One mounted bear ([[underline]]Ursa americanus[[/underline]])

Mr. J. Mace, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D.C.  One muskrat ([[underline]]Fiber zibethicus[[/underline]]) from the Potomac River, D.C.

Col. Marshall McDonald, Wyetheville, Virginia.  Two bats ([[underline]]Vesperugo georgianus[[/underline]]).

Dr. G. E. Manigault, Charleston, S.C.  One skeleton of bottlenosed whale ([[underline]]Hyperoodon semijunctus[[/underline]]) Type.

Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Agricultural Department, Washington, D.C.  A collection of five harp seals ([[underline]]Phoca groenlandica[[/underline]]) from Labrador.

Mr. John Mullan, California.  One mink skin ([[underline]]Putorius vison[[/underline]]); one mole ([[underline]]Scapanus Townsendi[[/underline]]) and one bat ([[underline]]Nyctimomus macrotis[[/underline]]),

Transcription Notes:
Verified Latin names and locations via Google. "Wyetheville, Virginia" should be "Wytheville" but transcribed as written. "Nyctimomus macrotis" should be "Nyctinomops macrotis" but transcribed as written.