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Dr. Alfred Nehring, Berlin, Germany.  Two skeletons of siberian mink ([[underlined]] Putorius eversmanni [[/underlined]]), one skull of street dog and one skeleton of Dachshund.

Mr. E.W. Nelson, Springerville, Arizona,
Human remains from near San Francisco River, Arizona.

Mr. G. Noble, Savannah, Georgia.  One bat ([[underlined]] Atalapha cinerea. [[/underlined]]); one woodrat ([[underlined]] Neotoma floridana. [[/underlined]]).

Mr. Fletcher M. Noe; Skeleton of [[underlined]] Ovis tragelaphus. [[/underlined]].

Hon. Thos. W. Palmer, Washington, D.C.
One Blenheim Spaniel ([[/underlined]] Canis familiaris [[/underlined]].

Mr. William Palmer, U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C. One porpoise cast ([[underlined]] Tursiops tursio [[/underlined]]) from off Bluff Point, Virginia.

Mr. J.W.C. Percy, Jr. Black Hawk, La.  One albino mouse, ([[underlined]] Mus musculus [[/underlined]]).