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Mr. James Watson, East Bethlehem, Pa. Skeleton of Collie dog.

Washington Dog Pound.  Skeletons of bull dog Newfoundland, Skye terrier, Black and tan terrier, Bull terrier, Scotch terrier, Coach dog and Italian greyhound.

Wilmington Oil and leather Company, Wilmington, North Carolina.  Three porpoise skulls ([[underline]]Tursiops tursio[[/underline]]).

Mr. H. D. Wolfe, Cape Lisburne, Alaska.  One foot of reindeer ([[underline]]Rangifer tarandus[[/underline]]) and one spermophile skin ([[underline]]Spermophilus empetra.[[/underline]])

Mr. A. F. Wooster, Norfolk, Connecticutt.  One melanistic star nosed mole ([[underline]]Condylura cristata[[/underline]]).

Mr. C. K. Worthen, Warsaw Illinois.  One lynx skin ([[underline]]Lynx rufus[[/underline]]); one gray fox ([[underline]]Urocyon originianus[[/underline]]); one mink ([[underline]]Putorius vison[[/underline]]) and one prairie dog ([[underline]]Cynomys ludovicianus[[/underline]]).

Mr. J. C. Zeledon, Costa Rica.  One albino mouse ([[underline]]Mus musculus[[/underline]]) and one Yaguarundi cat ([[underline]]Felis yaguarundi[[/underline]]) skin.

Transcription Notes:
Checked locations and Latin names with Google. Note that some names are now obsolete (originianus) or spelled slightly wrong (Connecticutt=Connecticut, yaguarundi=jaguarundi or yagouaroundi). Transcribed as written.