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[[embossed oval with colonnaded building]]


naturalists attached to the various branches of the Pacific railroad survey and the western division of the U.S. Coast Survey.  Scarcely less important were the collections received from the various minor [[strikethrough]] su [[/strikethrough]] expeditions under the War Department, in the region of the Upper Missouri, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and other parts of the west.

Although the Institution first directed its efforts simply toward assembling the species native to the United States, it soon became apparent [[strikethrough]] were certain to take [[/strikethrough]] that the collections must necessarily assume a more general character.  Each of the numerous Naval expeditions sent out during this period brought back among its spoils a [[strikethrough]] gr [[/strikethrough]] number, greater or less, of the mammals of the districts visited.  It was during this decade also that the