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[[embossed image of a bird]]


African and Australian ones practically none.  Of the great group of African antelopes, for example, there there not a single skin in the museum, and the same is almost [[strikethrough]] literally [[/strikethrough]] equally true of the insectivores.  The Asiatic species are almost entirely limited to those which have been received from the Kurrachee Museum, and from collectors in Japan and Eastern Siberia.  Numerous families are not represented by a single species.  It will undoubtedly be many years before this unfortunate [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] condition of affairs will be changed, unless the government should see fit to dispatch an expedition to these continents, or to appropriate money for the purchase of specimens from dealers in various parts of the world.  These great deficiencies are especially to be deplored, since there is no other museum in America to which the student can turn for aid.  His only resource [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] is to cross the ocean and avail[[strikethrough]] s[[/strikethrough]] himself of the privilege of the richer collections of Europe.  The result of this poverty of our collections has been [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]]