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[[embossed oval with colonnaded building]]

[[strikethrough]] IV. [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]]Present condition of the collection[[/underlined]].

It is impossible at this time to give statistics of the osteological collection.  Some data [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] regarding the mammals will be found in the report of the Department of Mammals (p.  ).  A large number of birds reptiles and fishes are still in storage, and the majority of those turned over to the department have not been checked up in the registers.  A full report will be given at the close of the present year.

[[underlined]] Recommendations [[/underlined]].

A clerk is very much needed in this department.  The assistant is obliged to devote the larger part of his time to the preparation of specimens while the clerk of the department of mammals, upon whom the management of the register, &c. has devolved, has more that enough to do in connection with the department to which it is properly attached.