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[[underline]]concolor[[/underline]], and Fox (put on new bases).   Skeletons.---Gar-pike, screech owl, condor, [[underline]]Rhea[[/underline]], cassowary and jack snipe ([[underline]]Tringa maculata[[/underline]]).   Teeth.---Hippopotamus, woodchuck, rat, parrot, fish.   Skulls.---Hippopotamus and killer whale and toucan.   Bones.---Femur of sloth, feet of sea otter and sloth.

A plan was made (and sent to the Assistant Director) for building a base with one raised step, on top of the wall-case on the west side of the South hall, to support the whale-casts.

On the 25th inst., I sent to the Editor of the [[underline]]Proceedings[[/underline]] the following papers:

1.  Description of a new species of Mesoplodon, [[underline]]M. Stejnegeri[[/underline]], from Bering Island.   5 pp. 2 figs.
The figures of the skull are used by permission of the U. S. Fish commissioner.

2.  A note upon the Hyperoodon semi-junctus of Cope.  4 pp.

My time has been principally occupied in answering the letters which had accumulated during my absence in August, in identifying new material, writing temporary labels, and getting matters into shape preparatory to taking up the subject of exchanges.  I have also written out my reports for the last quarter, which had been neglected for lack of time.  These will be submitted in a

Transcription Notes:
Page 2 of this report seems to be missing.