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of mammals forwarded to Washington by the Geographical and Exploring Commission of Mexico, were identified by request of the M. Ferrari-Parez, Chief of the Natural History Section.

The Curator described under the name [[underlined]] Vespertilio longierus [[/underlined]] a new bat received from Puget Sound.  He also published a few notes on the living specimen of the Almiqui, [[underlined]] Solenoodon cubanus [[/underlined]], which was obtained from Mr. S. Gunlach and on a remarkable malformation of the hoofs of an ass received from Texas.

A considerable number of inquiries regarding North American Mammals have been responded to.  A number of Texan species were identified for Mr. G. H. Ragsdale of Gainesville in that state, who also received information regarding the methods of preparation.  Dr. D. D. Slade of Cambridge applied for information regarding the metacarpals of the Auroch.