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Mts, California. These included specimens of [[underline]]Spermophilus tereticaudus, Depodomys deserti, Thomomys talpoides perpallidus[[/underline]] and other species of rodents, not previously well-represented in the collection. Two specimens of an undescribed variety of [[underline]]Haplodon major[[/underline]] from Pt. Reyes, California were purchased from Mr. C.K. Worthen.  A fine skin of [["x" in left margin]] an unusually large male moose was obtained from Mr. A. B. Douglas of Eustis, Maine.

It is intended that this specimen shall form the chief figure in a group. Dr. J.C. Merrill, U.S.A. forwarded from Fort Klamath, Oregon, a considerable collection of small mammals, in addition to those sent last year. During his last tour through the western territories, Mr. Hornaday obtained among other specimens a very fine pair