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^[[Revised L.T]]

^[[Curators Ref. File
Copy - orig. in file]]

[[triple underlined]] Report on the Department of Mammals in the
U.S National Museum [[/triple underlined]] ^[[1888,]]
[[strikethrough]] 1888 [[/strikethrough]]

[[double underlined]] By Frederick W. True, Curator. [[/double underlined]]

[[strikethrough]] [[line]] [[/strikethrough]]

In my last report I stated that the chief features of the year's work were the re-arrangement of almost the entire exhibition series in new and specially adapted cases, and the replacement of a portion of the defective material in the study series by the purchase of fresh specimens. During the past year the work has progressed along the same lines, but some special tasks were also undertaken, the principal of which was the preparation of a large series of specimens for exhibition in the Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition in Cincinnati.

The idea of representing the more important mammals of North America by groups of specimens accompanied by access[[strikethrough]]ions[[/strikethrough]] ^[[ories]] indicative of the habits and natural surroundings of the species, which had been for some time under consideration, was carried into execution by