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have chosen for it the name of [[underline]] Atalapha semota [[/underline]]. Mr. F.A. Lucas presented a skull of Burchell's Zebra. A skull and skeleton of the Ziphoid whale, known as [[underline]] Ziphius [[/underline]] grebnitzkii, were received from Mr. N. Grebnitzky, who obtained them from Bering Island.

[[double underline]] Routine Work. [[/double underline]]

In my last report I stated that new cases for almost the entire exhibition series were received at the end of the fiscal year. The month of July, 1887 was spent in planning the interior fittings for these cases and in rearranging the collection. The improvement in the appearance of the collection resulting from this work has been much commented upon by persons visiting the museum.

The new wings added to the large wall-cases were fitted with shelves and bases, and the one intended for the seals was fitted with specimens. The east wing, intended for the large ruminants, has not been arranged. Before the plans had been finished, the majority of the specimens were in requisition for display in the Cincinnati Exposition, and no permanent installment could be made.