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part of the year, and has added to his review of the family a synopsis and material for figures of all the species. The paper has not, however, yet been published. He also prepared descriptions of two now rodnets from Padra Island, Texas, and of the Sandwich Island bat, some notes on [[underline]]Vesperago hesperus[[/underline]] (Allen) and a review of the changes in the catalogue of North American mammals in the last ten years. None of these papers have been published during the year. ^[[The Curator with Mr. E.W. Nelson have published a report upon the Mammals obtained by Mr Nelson in Alaska, 1877-1881.]]

[[double underline]]Present State of the Collection.[[/double underline]]

The following figures show the number of number of specimens in the different series on June 30, 1887 and June 30, 1888, respectively.

  | June 30, 1887. | June 30, 1888
Number of specimens in the exhibition series of skins. | 752 | 696
Number of specimens in the duplicate and study series of skins.  | 4088 | 4375
Number of specimens in the alcoholic series.  | [[underline]]2971[[/underline | [[underline]]3049[[/underline]]
Total | 7811 | 8120