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elephant "Mungo" was placed in the hall, but has not yet been bought into use. I regret to state that this case was considerably injured by visitors on the 4th of March, in spite of the efforts of the watchmen to protect it.   Plans were made for arranging the collection of deers' antlers on the piers at the north end of the Exhibition hall, but after due consideration the scheme was abandoned on account of the expense involved. 

The series of cetacean casts, a considerable number of which had been more or less damaged by being moved from place to place and shipped to different exhibitions, was entirely renovated, and except in the case of two large species, new casts were made from all the molds that had not previously been used.  The series as thus completed consists of twenty-seven casts.  Casts of the Grampus and of Sowerby's whale remain to be added.  It is intended that large painted labels shall be provided for the series in the immediate future. 

Transcription Notes:
[reviewer note: removed correction of document. please remember to type what you see]