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As already stated, a large number of important species were added to the exhibition-series during the year. No list of additions was given in last year's report, and the present one has, therefore, been made to cover the past two years.

Gorilla |Gorilla savagei.
Chimpanzee | Anthropopithecus troglodytes.
Siamang | Hylobates syndactylus.
Hoonuman monkey | Semnopithecus entellus
| " [[ditto for Semnopithecus]] siamensis
| " [[ditto for Semnopithecus]] albocinereus.
White-throated Capuchin Monkey | Cebus hypoleucus
Black-eared Marmoset | Hapale pencillatus.
Pinche Monkey | Midas oedipus.
Ruffed Lemur |Lemur varia.
Slow Lemur | Nycticebus tardigradus.
Short-tailed Lemur | Indris [[bincauda?]].