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Water Buck.                  Kobus ellipseprimmus.
Harnessed Antelope.          Tragelaphus scriptus.
Boutebok.                    Alcelaphus pygargus.
Equine Antelope.             Hippotragus equinus.
Japanese Goat Antelope.      Nemorhedus crispar.
Beisa Antelope               Oryx beisa.
Spike-horned Deer            Cariacus clavatus (Two specimens)
Naked-ear Deer.                  "    gymnotis.
Red Deer.                    Cervus elaphus.
Barren Ground Caribou.       Rangifer tarandus caribou.
Llama.                       Auchenia glama.
Indian Chevrotain.           Memmina indica.
Golden Mole.                 Chrysochloris sp.
Tenrec.                      Centetes ecaudatus.
                             Ericulus setosus.
Jumping Shrew.               Rynchoncyon cirnei.
Tana.                        Tupaia tana.

Transcription Notes:
[reviewer note: not sure if this should be piped. will leave to SITC]