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The general condition of the collection as regards preservation, may be considered on the whole satisfactory; the exhibition-series is entirely so.   The mounted specimens have not suffered in the least from the attacks of insects for a number of years.   The exhibition-cases, if not absolutely dust-proof, are, approximately so, and can undoubtedly be made perfectly tight, after a little more experimentation.    The same, unfortunately, cannot be said of the storage-cases.  As stated in previous reports they are neither sufficient in number nor satisfactory in kind.  As arrangements have now been made, however, for providing better cases, it is unnecessary to make any further recommendations regarding this very important matter. 

The condition of the collection of specimens in alcohol is fairly satisfactory. The specimens deteriorate to a certain extent in spite of our best efforts.    For perfect preserva- 

Transcription Notes:
[reviewer note: removed correction of document. please remember to type what you see]