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^[[True, Jan 1890]]
^[[1 8th copy]]
[[stamped]] G.B.G / FEB 1 1890 [[/stamped]]

[[double underline]] Report on the Department of Mammals for January, 1890.[[/double underline]]

The chief accessions during the month were as follows:

Four Mountain Sheep, [[underline]]O. canadensis[[/underline]], obtained by Mr. W. T. Hornaday –

Four Mountain Goats, [[underline]]M. montana[[/underline]], obtained from Mr. G. B. Grinnell.

An American Monkey, [[underline]]Cebus albifrons[[/underline]], which died in the Dep't of Living Animals.  The skeleton of this species is rare in collections.

A small collection of skins from Chester County, Pennsylvania, presented by Dr. B. H. Warren.