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Besides the groups, the following single mounted skins were a^[[d]]ded to the exhibition-series during the year:-

Sun Bear/, [[^underline]]Helarctos[[/underline]]

Borneo Marten, [[^underline]]Mustela[[/underline]]

Small cat, [[^underline]]Felis[[/underline]]

Civet, [[^underline]]Viverra tangalunga[[/underline]]

Muntjak, [[^underline]]Cervulus muntjak[[/underline]] (two specimens)

Chevrotain, [[^underline]]Tragulus[[/underline]] sp. (two specimens).

Borneo Cow, [[^underline]]Bos[[/underline]]

Borneo Wild Boar, [[^underline]]Sus[[/underline]]

Two paintings in oil, representing the destruction of the Bison on the Western Plains, were hung on the walls of the exhibition-hall, over the East and West entrances. A table for books of reference for visitors was brought into use and a number of books placed upon it. During the reconstruction of the South entrance as a storage room for the Department, it was found necessary to place the boxes containing the large skins in th exhibition-hall. These were removed as soon as possible, however, and stored [[strikethrough]]eles[[/strikethrough]] elsewhere. The remarks made in the Report of last year regarding the crowded