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condition of the hall, are still applicable.   The cases now in use are insufficient for the proper display of the good mounted specimens on hand, but even if a sufficient number of cases were provided, it is difficult to see how they could be used in the space now available.

Labels for the group of Musk-oxen and for the large Whale-model were printed and brought into use, and a label for the group of Moose was prepared.

The reconstruction of the South entrance of the Museum building to form a storage-room and laboratory for this Department, which was alluded to in the Report of last year, was completed in September, 1890. the storage cases for small skins consist of 5o tin[[^strikethrough]]ned[[/strikethrough]]-lined compartments. These are provided with light trays. In addition, one-half of the available space in the room is occupied by covered shelves for the storage of alcoholics.   When the cases for skins were finished, all the small skins were transferred to them, and, as far as time would permit, arranged in proper order. The North American series has been kept separate throughout, as these specimens are much more frequently consulted than the