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[[con-]]siderable number of skins which we^[[r]]e received by the Department of Agriculture in an imperfect condition as regards preparation.   The Museum has also supplied cases, wood and paper tray, glass vials and corks, and labels, as called for.   One clerk has been employed continuously in cataloguing the specimens and [[strikethrough]]an[[/strikethrough]] additional assistance has been given on one or two occasions when the influx of specimens was unusually large. During the month of April two clerks were employed continuously.

In September the Curator called attention to the unsatisfactory condition of the department of taxidermy, and shortly afterwards was requested to take charge of the matter and reorganize the force.   The force then consisted of only three regular taxidermists and one volunteer, and the number was not increased until Spring ^[[, when]] one ^[[taxidermist]] was[[strikethrough]], however[[/strikethrough]], designated to ^[[take]] general charge of the work, under superintendence of the Curator.   Certain appliances needed to facilitate work were obtained.   The skins which had accumulated in the vats,-some 4oo in number,- were examined, and their exact condition and suitability for mounting,or addition to the reserve-series,ascertained.   A card-catalogue of the whole,