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Northern Mexico.  Mr. Wm. Palmer visited the Pbibyloff Ids., Bering Sea, and the adjacent mainland of Alaska.  Mr. Wm. H. Brown, who accompanied the U. S. Eclipse Expedition to Angola, remained in South Africa to collect large Mammals.

Messrs. B. and H. Geisler were authorized to supply a series of specimens of the mammals of New Guinea.  Mr. C. K. Worthen was authorized to collect North American bats and shrews.  No material has been received from either of these sources during the year. Mr. E. Wittkugel has collected a small number of mammals for the Museum in Honduras.

A considerable number of specimens were sent to institutions and individuals during the year.  These were as follows:-

[[underline]]Loaned for study[[/underline]]:

To Dr. J. A. Allen, American Museum, New York:
57 skins, 6 alcoholics and 16 separate skulls of North American Rodents (including 2 types), and 1 skull of Skunk (type).

To Dr. Harrison Allen, Philadelphia, Pa.