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a description of two new species of mammals from East Africa, and read the proofs of a paper by Dr. H. Allen on ^[[a]] new series of bats, on account of the absence of the author.   In September, he prepared a Report fo[[strikethrough]]t[[/strikethrough]]r the year 189o.   He was requested in December to examine into the condition of the Bats in the custody of Dr. Harrison Allen, and went to Philadelphia for that purpose.   The collection was found to be in a satisfactory condition.   The invoices were checked up anew and only one specimen could not be accounted for.   This had apparently been misplaced.

In March, the Curator began work on a monograph of the Insectivora of North America, and in   connection therewith received large collections of Moles from the American Museum, New York; from the private collection of Dr. C. Hart Merriam; and from the series of the Department of Agriculture, under his charge. The Curator has acted in the capacity of Acting Curator-in-charge on several occasions.

The general condition ofthe collection as regards preservation has not altered materially since the