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last Report was made.   On one or two occasions insects were found to be present in the exhibition cases, but they were destroyed before any considerable damage was done.

The number of specimens in the several series June 3o, 1891, was as follows:

  Number of mounted skins in the exhibition-series............^811

  Number of skins and alcoholic specimens in the study and reserve series ...... ^8767

  Number of skins and alcoholic specimens received during the year.......... ^465

The last entries in the several catalogues June 3o, 1891, were as follows:

[[underline]]Regular series[[/underline]]:
  Catalogue of skins and alcoholics - ^19482

[[underline]]Dep't of Agriculture Deposit[[/underline]]: 
  Catalogue of skins   ^28430
  " " [[ditto for Catalogue of]] skulls    ^40534