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Guide to a Collection of Mammals Exhibited by the United Stations National Museum at the Cotton States Exposition in 1895.


This small collection of mammals is intended to represent the eleven [[underline]]orders[[/underline]] into which the [[underline]]class[[/underline]] Mammalia is divided.

Owing to the small amount of space it was not considered feasible to attempt more than to show a few of the more peculiar or showy forms.  Neither was it found possible to make a scientific arrangement, but as far as possible the members of the same order [[strikethrough]]are[[/strikethrough]] kept together. The arrangement [[strikethrough]]in this guide[[/strikethrough]] is that now generally accepted by mam-

Transcription Notes:
The first two paragraphs appear to have been crossed out with blue pencil, which was in turn erased, leaving the text as it was originally written. I transcribed without the cross-out or erasure.