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[[underscore]] 3 [[\underscore]]

of Madagascar, and is said to be able to leap [[strikethrough]] fro [[\strikethrough]] ten yards, from tree to tree, by means of their powerful hind legs.

[[strikethrough]] The next order includes the Bats [[\strikethrough]] We next came to the [[double underscored]] Bats [[\double underscored]], order [[double underscore]] Chiroptera [[\double underscore]], which is represented by the [[insert circled 6 here editing notation]] [[double underscore]] False Vampire Bat [[\double underscore]] [[underscore]] (Vampyrus spectrum) [[\underscore]] which lives mainly on fruit, although for a long time feared owing to the popular belief that it was a bloodsucking bat, [[insert circled 7 here editing notation]] the [[double underscore]] Red Mastiff Bat [[\double underscore]] [[underscore]] (Molossus rufus) [[\underscore]], of tropical America and [[circled 8]] the [[double underscore]] Fruit Bat [[\double underscore]] or [[double underscore]] "Flying Fox" [[\double underscore]] [[underscore]] (Pteropus edulis) [[\underscore]] which is the largest known species of bat, adult individuals sometimes measuring five