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List of Mammals to be exhibited in the Cotton States Exposition.

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^[[Used in Report.]]

Order Primates

1 Chimpanzee ([[underline]]Anthropopithecus niger[[/underline]])
2 Gibbon ([[underline]]Hylobates concolor[[/underline]])
3 Rüppell's Monkey ([[underline]]Colobas guereza[[/underline]])
4 Slow Loris ([[underline]]Loris tardigradus[[/underline]])
5 White Indrus ([[underline]]Propithecus deckenii[[/underline]])

Order Chiroptera
6 False Vampire Bat ([[underline]]Vampyrus spectrum[[/underline]])
7 Red Mastiff Bat ([[underline]]Molossus rufus[[/underline]])
8 Fruit Bat or Fox-Bat ([[underline]]Pteropus edulis[[/underline]])

Order Insectivora
9 Tenrec ([[underline]]Centetes ecaudatus[[/underline]])
10 Common Hedgehog ([[underline]]Erinaceus europaeus[[/underline]])
11 Elephant Shrew ([[underline]]Rhynchocyon cirnei)[[/underline]]
12 Flying Lemur ([[underline]]Galeopithecus volans[[/underline]])