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2.   Name, in the order of their importance, the accessions of the year which deserve [[underlined]] special notice [[/underlined]] , andstate in each case whether given, lent, received in exchange or purchased.

(1) An excellent general collection from Lower Siam comprising 165 specimens, presented by Dr. W. L. Abbott, to whom the Museum is already indebted for much valuable material.

(2) Two skins of the Mt. St. Elias bear were purchased from Hart & Co. of New York.

(3) Dr. E. A. Mearns, U. S. A. presented valuable collections from the Catskill Mts., and from the vicinity of the District of Columbia, amounting in all to 385 specimens.

(4) An excellent series of lemurs and other Madagascar mammals were purchased from Rev. James Wills. They comprise both skins and skeletons.

(5) Toward the close of the year two specimens of the recently-described Pigmy African Flying-squirrels, genus [[underlined]] Idiurus [[/underlined]], were obtained from Wm. B. Filer. They are from Efulen, Kameroon District, and appear to represent a new species.

(6) A number of skins of the larger lemurs, previously wanting in the collection were purchased from Ward's Natural Science Establishment.

(7) Three skeletons and a skull of the southern Blackfish, [[underline]] Globocephala brachyptera [[/underline]], were purchased from Florida.

(8) The Kent Scientific Institute, Grand Rapids, Mich. through Mr. C. A. Whittemore, Curator, loaned for study a young specimen of the very rare [[underline]] Bassaricyon gabbi [[/underline]], from Honduras.

^[[Add Ans [[circled]] 6 [[circled]] ]]

Transcription Notes:
Used recommended markup of handwritten text in typed pages given in instructions ie ^[[text]]. Used recommended markup of ^[[text]] to indicate handwritten text in typed page. Reviewed -@siobhanleachman Later transcriber: disagree. The ^[[text]] is used in situations where the handwritten change is small (as at the top of this page). This page, in contrast, is a situation where only the initial question is typewritten and the rest is handwritten. Either the two need to be differentiated by [[typewritten]]/[[typewritten]] and [[handwritten]][[/handwritten]] (in other words, more than a ^[[text]]) or we ignore the two kinds of writing and just transcribe. I'm going with the latter. Reviewed. Edited Rev. James Mills to Wills. See -@siobhanleachman