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3. Indicate briefly the persent condition of the exhibition series and the study series.

(1) Exhibition series - The exhibition-series has remained practically unchanged during the year. A number of antlers of wapiti and caribou were hung on the walls. The specimens in the cases are already very much crowded and little could be done to improve the general appearance, while it has seemed undesirable to add to the series by fresh mounted skins. The series is still much in need of labelling.

This is especially true of the foreign mammals of which there are but few specimens for comparison in the study series. The identification of the mounted skins is rendered difficult for that reason. The American series largely needs re-labelling, on account of the great recent changes in nomenclature. The Curator has not found time for this work during the year.

(2.) The study series.- This series is in fair order, but could be rendered more accessible if more cases and space to arrange them side by side could be provided. At present it is impossible to carry anything like a natural sequence from case to case.

[[marginalia: penciled bracket around following paragraph]] 
More storage-cases are needed from the largest-sized mammals, many specimens of which are now exposed to dust.

The arrangement of the collection of medium-sized skulls in boxes has progressed [strikethrough] f [strikethrough] but not been finished.

[[circled in pencil] The alcoholic collection [[end circled in pencil]] has been considerably worked over and the smaller species are in fair order. There are still many jars of the larger forms, rabbits, weasels, and the like which need overhauling. The storage-shelves [[marginalia: penciled bracket around following sentence]] for ^[[line drawn to "The alcoholic collection" at beginning of paragraph]] these will need to be reconstructed before a proper arrangement can be made.