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5.  What special investigations have you commenced, continued, or completed, upon material under your care, during the year?

Work on a monograph or revision of the American Moles was finished during the year and the results published in the 19th volume of the [[underlined]]Proceedings[[/underlined]], paper no. 1101.

Works on deer antlers was necessarily suspended in September. The manuscript for a paper on this subject, to be published in the [[underlined]]Report[[/underlined]], is in an advanced stage and many illustrations have been prepared.

I have also taken up the work of ascertaining the proper nomenclature for the whalebone whales.

Transcription Notes:
There are several words that are illegible to me. If the reviewer/other transcriber is able to, please try to take a look at them and give it a secondary try. Later transcriber: some of us have been transcribing True's scrawl for a while so it's clear :-)