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7.  What material from your department has been transmitted to students and investigators outside of the Museum during the year, and in connection with what special investigation was the material needed?  It should be stated in each case whether or not the material has been returned to the Museum.

(a.) Two bats sent to [[double-underline]]Dr. Harrison Allen[[/double-underline]] of Philadelphia for use in his studies on the Chiroptera. ([[underlined]]Returned[[/underlined]])

(b.)  To [[double-underline]]Dr. J. A. Allen[[/double-underline]], American Museum of Nat. Hist., New York, the following: 4 
[[underline]]Sciurus carolinensis yucatanensis[[/underline]], 6 [[underline]]Heleromys[[/underline]], 1 [[underline]]Reithrodontomys[[/underline]] 16 [[underline]]Sigmodon[[/underline]], & the 
[[double-underline]]type[[/double-underline]] of [[underline]]Oryzomys talamancae[[/underline]] ([[underlined]]Returned[[/underlined]]). These were used in his papers on the mammals of Central America published in the [[underlined]]Bull. Amer. Mus[[/underlined]].

(c). To [[double-underline]]Dr. Theo. Gill[[/double-underline]], Washington was sent one [[underlined]]Bassariscus[[/underlined]] for study ([[underlined]]Returned[[/underlined]])

(d.) [[double-underline]]Dr. C. Hart Merriam[[/double-underline]], Chief Biol. Survey, Dept of Agric., Washington, received the following: [[double-underline]]type[[/double-underline]] of [[underline]]Bassariscus raptor[[/underline]] ([[double-underline]]See[[/double-underline]] [[underline]]Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington[[/underline]]), 12 Coyotes [[underline]]Canis latrans[[/underline]], etc., (See [[underline]]ditto[[/underline]], XI, p. 30), [[double-underline]]types[[/double-underline]] of 5 species of [[underline]]Microtis[[/underline]] & 4 other specimens of the same genus, 1 [[underline]]Scapanus[[/underline]], 4 skulls of [[underline]]Arctocephalus[[/underline]]. ([[underlined]]Returned[[/underlined]])

(e). To [[double-underline]]Mr. G. S. Miller[[/double-underline]], jr. the following: 36 bats (for use in connection with a monograph of the genus [[underline]]Vespertilio[[/underline]], the [[double-underline]]type[[/double-underline]] of [[underline]]Phenacomys truei[[/underline]] (see [[underline]]Proc. Biol. Soc. Washn.[[/underline]], 1897, p. 81) 1 [[underline]]Microtus[[/underline]], 1 [[underline]]Mictomys[[/underline]], 1 bat, [[underline]]Rhogeesa[[/underline]] (made [[double-underline]]type[[/double-underline]] of new species, see [[underline]]ditto[[/underline]], p 139). ([[underlined]]Returned[[/underlined]])

(f). To [[double-underline]]Mr. E. W. Nelson[[/double-underline]], Dept of Agric.:- 12 skins & skulls of shrews. ([[underlined]]Returned[[/underlined]])

(g.) To [[double-underline]]Mr. S. W. Rhoads[[/double-underline]], Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.: 11 East African mammals - Abbott Coll. (see Proc. Acad Nat. Sci., 189-, p. 517), 40 skins of Flying-squirrels, [[underline]]Sciuropterus[[/underline]]. ([[underlined]]Returned[[/underlined]])