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No thrushes or sparrows, hawks or birds in general were seen.
30) Went about the town visiting temples & shops with Misses Hedges & Day.  Weather hot sultry, & cloudy but no rain.  Various sorts of metal work such as cloissoné, [[?]] & bronzes are manufactured here in small shops by a half dozen men. In the afternoon we took an automobile & went to the outskirts of the town.  Along the river were many children in bathing of both sexes, washing of a wholesale character also being preferred here.  Groves of cryptomerias, arborvitaes, dwarf maples & a few Ginko trees grew [[strikethrough]]about[[/strikethrough]]in the temple gardens. A long ride took us to the Hodzu Rapids.  Here the river flows between [[strikethrough]]deep[[/strikethrough]] wooded hills

Transcription Notes:
Previous transcriber wondered if the word after cloisson?was champleve but I think it must be something else; have attempted to find possible word to no avail.