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A large slate forest pigeon & a few doves were also seen.  The hedges bordering the road were made of long straggly rose bushes covered by clematis which was covered by a profusion of white blossoms.  The valleys were all devoted to rice & the hillsides were planted to small [[?pieces]] & a few places spruce trees were seen in groves.  One of the common wild flowers was a [[strikethrough]] purple [[/strikthrough]] crimson primrose, a yellow flowered [[?typericium]] bush was also seen.  During the day we met chiefly met caravans, some 300 pack animals, mules, horses & donkeys.  The salt is a government monopoly.  It is transported in great [[?blocks]] many 600 lbs each, two of them making a pack load.  Much of the country was clayey with shale rocks & sandstone in