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Earlier I shot 3 ring-necked doves from a flock of several.  The day was clear & warm after 10 am.  The rock formation there the canyon of the Tali River was granite but on the Yang Pi this changed to gray hard limestone [[strikethrough]] &wi [[/strikethrough]]with red sandstone in places.  At 2 P.M. we passed thru the town of Yang-pi & across the river of the same name.  Camp was pitched on the riverside at the edge of the town.  The city was like Hsiao Kuan consisting of one long crowded rocky street.  From our camp a fine view of the Tali range was presented.  This side is steep with a sprinkling of snow on the summit but not much forest, about banks a pretty little pink flower primrose is now the only flower.

[[circled]] 16 [[/circled]]  From our camp the road ascends the range to an altitude of 8000 feet.  The soil here is a brick purple a derivative of a red sandstone rock.  Two large Pachyurea & one of