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Our tank developing machines have fogged many films recently & we have abandoned their use. The trouble seems to be due to the carbon paper in the autographic films which keeps the developer from penetrating. The a frames are new & seem to allow penetration O.K. but the films even when first soaked in water to facilitate the even penetration of developer are faulty or streakey when taken from the tanks. 
The oranges we have purchased here in the market have been of very fine flavor. A large mandarin or tangerine as we know it, was bought here. They are as large as an average orange & fine flavored & juicy not particularly dry. In color they are a deep orange red & give out a fine perfume.  A seedless orange was found here quite similar to our naval [[sic]] orange in flavor & texture which is doubtless its ancestral stock altho no navel is present. 

Transcription Notes:
should be "navel orange", subsequently spelt correctly