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rain. The rain continued during the morning soft & misty. The road lay thru jungle all the day & skirted the mountain side high above the valley. The vegetation was dense & consisted of tropical trees, most of them unknown to me. I saw tree ferns of average height, a Raphia like palm Acacias, figs & an alder. This point is the upper  limit of both tree ferns & palms doubtless. Two troups of monkeys were seen in trees near the road side. One troup consisted of 8-10 Semnopithecus & another of 10-12 Macacus, the brown species taken on the Namting River.
On the paddy fields yesterday & day before the cattle heron in brown headed nuptial plumage has been common. Cormorants & a large brownish duck have been seen there also. One of the common sight of Tengyueh or rather the Taiping River is the black drongo perched on the back of buffaloes similarly to the mina birds. At noon we stopped for tiffin at an iron bridged