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She was a 6000 ton steamer painted Battle ship gray & carried a single funnel & had the 1st class accommodation in the stern.  She was decidedly listed to port & heavily loaded.  On the main deck in front of our saloon were 2 long rows of Indian cows with their calves stabled.  The deck passengers were chiefly Chinese coolies, many of them smoking opium.  The first class [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] held only 12 rooms & some 20 passengers, about half of them women.  There were Americans, Australians, Anglo-Indians, Britishish, a Japanese family, a! Armenian or Greek from [[Andera?]], etc.  The Teesta is bound for Vancouver on Government business & takes passengers only as far as KongKong. We anchored at 5PM at the mouth of the River.