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fired these with brilliant gold which faded to rosy red & carmine & then leaden gray.  A great columnlar cloud looking like the [[strikethrough]] pall [[/strikethrough]] chimney of smoke which overhangs an active volcano rose up from the ocean in the center of the brilliant golden sunset.
The northeast monsoon is now blowing but it is very light, the [[strikethrough]] weath [[/strikethrough]] ocean surface being quite unruffled by a breeze usually.
We have had some odd dishes on our table at least in their nomenclature.  One of these is Bubble & Squeak, a dish made of steamed cabbage, bacon & potatoes.  Another one is toad in the hole, a sort 

Transcription Notes:
He is eating classic British foods: Bubble and Squeak is a cabbage and potato hash, while Toad in the Hole is sausages cooked in Yorkshire pudding.